Hello all,
We just wanted to start with a short, sharp introduction. We are all major lovers of history, and all undergraduates at the University of Winchester studying - you guessed it - History (duh). We wanted a place to be able to share our writings, thoughts, experiences and more and thus History Sisters was born.
Between us we love almost all periods of history - aside from maybe ancient and classical, we will cover almost all periods, so hope there will be something for everyone. And if you particularly enjoy the ancient and classical worlds: sit tight, who knows... maybe one day we'll fall in love and do a research piece on them.
Please feel free to share opinions with us, sends us messages, and do request what you would like to see more of and get us to write and research - we'd love to drum up some good conversation.
We look forward to sharing our posts with you in the future. So stick the kettle on, grab a cuppa and enjoy delving into the past, with us: the History Sisters.
Amy, Steph, Emily and Sophie.
