* Could have some slight SPOILERS ahead. Don 't blame me if you read it!*
So, if you’re like me: a little obsessed with period dramas, I have a great recommendation for you.
And that’s any version of ‘The Borgias’ or ‘Borgia’ you can get your hands on.
I watched the Jeremy Irons version when I was fifteen and knew nothing about any history outside of England or the English influence. (Thanks for that, school.) It opened my eyes to history I had never even thought about before and to how it was very different from what I had imagined.
The Borgias is not for the fainthearted and takes a lot of concentration to understand ‘who is who?’, ‘what is what?’ and why the hell they got away with what they did at the time. But totally worth it.
Whilst it took some getting used to, I would put both versions I have seen of the Borgias on the same level as The Tudors TV series. However, ‘The Borgias’ (with Jeremy Irons) is more focused on the sex and intrigue, but there’s some politics to keep people happy. The acting was amazing, but I think some characters were lacking – such as Vannozza dei Cattanei, Giulia Farnese and even Lucrezia to some extent. (But, I mean Cesare Borgia was worth the watch….in both versions actually… but don’t quote me on that please.)

Borgia: Faith and Fear [ which was on Netflix last time I checked] is probably the superior adaptation in the sense of it having more politics and less emphasis on the incest, that could, or could not have happened. (I mean, this isn’t Game of Thrones ... or is it??? Watch and find out, seriously.) This version has better depth into what occurred for ALL the characters and develops the characters greatly. Honestly, I binge watched this series at the beginning of university instead of doing my essays and it was so worth it.

In conclusion, you need to watch both versions.
There’s something for everyone! *cough* Cesare Borgia in both versions *cough*
- Amy Burns Queen of Historical Queens