Casual spoilers, be warned....

So, it's about time that we addressed the big elephant in the room.
If any of us have watched reign and actually enjoyed it.

The answer is, three of us have. And we're a bit mixed.
Obviously, the programme is not aimed to be historically accurate [ I mean, I'm sure they did have lots of pre-marital sex, ghosts and that witchcraft existed amongst other things...]
However, if you're wanting to view the show, just as a historical/fantasy-vibe programme, then this one is probably for you.
It's certainly aimed more towards a teenaged audience, but if you're looking for something that is historical but you're just starting out, then it's a good place to begin. However please do not take it as word as most of it, is made up for viewing purposes. It tells the story of Mary Queen of Scots when she married her first husband, up until her death [ although questionable as season 4 was a joke as they tried, suddenly, to make it historically accurate and failed, but that's just our opinion].
Also, if you like powerful women, Catherine de Medici is a queen. In more ways than one. If you're a fan of Elizabeth I... Wouldn't recommend watching.
This show doesn't need to be taken seriously, if you like easy-watching, then this is definitely it.
The costumes are cute, but I don't remember boho ever being chic in the 1500s. Good thing I like prom dresses. However, the modern music, from production value, is appealing.
- Amy & Steph